Discover how to lead the Mobility Behaviour Change
By registering to the platform, you will be part of an active European community working on the Mobility Behavior Change (MBC) and you will have freely access to the use of the MBC toolkit.

Front Runners can use the full MBC Toolkit

Launch your own Mobility Survey
You can download template surveys to monitor your citizens’ mobility habits (for example home-school and home-work trips) or, you can directly launch mobility surveys by using the questionnaire already available on the platform. If you want to promote surveys with minimal effort, using the questionnaire already available on the platform, will allow you to easily promote the compilation and view the results with a few simple clicks.
You can find all this on the Monitor the MBC section.
Launch your survey and get answers by your audience
Create your own Mobility Challenge
You can launch public challenges to solve your local mobility problems with the help of the local community. The section Co-Create the MBC act as an open virtual living lab where supply and demand for solutions meet and get to know each other. Check the open challenges and launch your own!
Create your Mobility Challenge and get ideas and solutions
Take advantage of the MBC community
You can be informed about Good Practices, Success Stories, MBC Front Runners like you and Existing Researches. You will also have the opportunity to promote your initiatives on the Take Inspiration section
MBC Practices
Mobility Behaviour Change measures, actions, and policy around the Europe. Have a look at some bright examples already deployed.
Go to MBC Practices
MBC Stories
A digital wall made with people proud of their change of habit. Discover their stories and move successfully towards Mobility Behaviour Change.
Discover all MBC Stories
MBC Researches
This section features relevant reports and studies that address some of the important issues in the knowledge surrounding the Mobility Behaviour Change.
Read all MBC Studies & Research